1:1 Empowered Wellness Sessions


To me, empowerment means to give something strength and power; it’s a process of becoming stronger, more confident, more aligned with your purpose. It means being an advocate for your own health, your self love, your JOY! It’s giving you permission to TAKE UP SPACE. 

Due to the many demands, stress and pressure life hands us sometimes, we are often left feeling disconnected, depleted and a little (or a lot) lost. Many of us have to put others needs before our own just to get through the day. We often dim our own light and are left in the dark. 

Are you at a point where you ultimately crave coming back home to yourself, but have forgotten who you are, what lights you up and what dreams you had for yourself? Perhaps there is something burning inside of you that you would love to express, but you lack the confidence, direction or support to see it to fruition? I got you! 

Being that you are you and so beautifully unique, your path to becoming more empowered and rediscovering your awesomeness may look different than someone else's. 

Dori works with the following people:

  • People that are ready to make positive and healthy changes to their mindsets and behaviors.

  • People that want to step into their own power and actively create the life they want.

  • People who are ready to take action steps towards their goals. 

  • People that are ready to be vulnerable and do some deep healing work.

  • People who trust the process and themselves to be on the right path. 

  • People that are ready to experience a more fulfilling and meaningful life.

  • People that want to wake up energized, inspired, and do what lights them up.

I will work with you to meet you where you need support the most.

I achieve results in many different ways and with a variety of offerings that can include (based on where you are on your journey):  

  • Empowering your food choices

    • How to choose the foods that help you feel nourished and energized

    • Educating you on ingredients and how to read labels 

    • Helping you tune in to what foods work best for your unique body and metabolism 

    • Creating more confidence around choosing healthy foods at the store or making your own healthy meals

    • Helping you feel more organized and confident in the kitchen  

  • Strengthening your daily habits 

  • Cooking or meal planning for you and/or your family (in person or virtually)

  • Guiding you through transitioning to a more plant-centric lifestyle

  • Food psychology / ED support  

  • Bodywork (either in person or self-massage techniques at home)

  • Somatic bodywork (feeling into all those feelings to help alchemize them)

  • Restorative yoga (in person or virtual)

  • Self-discovery sessions - who are you and what do you want 

  • Meditation 

It’s time for you to expand!

It’s time for you to evolve. It’s time for you to transform!

Live empowered and claim what’s yours!